Dermatite atopique et peau noire : conseils | Nubiance

Atopic dermatitis and black skin: advice | nubiance

Atopic dermatitis can be caused by different factors: genetic predisposition, allergies, environmental factors, etc. The upper layer of the skin is then weakened, which can promote the appearance of atopic dermatitis on black skin . The problem is that on the most pigmented skin, the redness of eczema is not very visible and can make diagnosis more difficult. To prevent inflammation from leaving lighter spots on your skin, discover all our tips.

Dermatitis and atopic eczema, what is it?

Atopic dermatitis on black or dark skin shares many similarities with atopic dermatitis on white or light skin. Among the main symptoms, we find skin dryness, lesions due to severe itching or plaques. However, since the redness caused by atopic dermatitis on black skin goes more easily unnoticed, the inflammation is sometimes treated a little late. In addition, the thickening of the skin (lichenification) can take on a different appearance in eczema on black skin : in fact, the skin barrier becomes criss-crossed and then becomes darker than the rest of the body.

Why are Nubian skins more vulnerable?

Dark skins are unfortunately more vulnerable to atopic dermatitis since they are skins that dry out more strongly in a dry and cold climate. Indeed, the humidity in the air is not high enough. Not to mention that the dryness can be aggravated by the presence of limestone in the water, the use of too hot water in the shower or insufficient hydration of the skin. Atopic dermatitis on black skin can then appear more easily on dry skin due to inflammation due to skin dryness and the weakening of the protective hydrolipidic film : it represents 10 to 33% of the reasons for consultation of patients with black skin. . Another problem is that the skin can produce more oil to protect itself, leading to acne or T-zone shine.

Solutions against atopic dermatitis for black skin

Fortunately, it is possible to restore the protective barrier of the skin and fight against atopic dermatitis . In the same way as for white skin, anti-inflammatory creams and emollients are often used. These treatments make it possible to avoid plaques and to fight against skin dryness, in particular concerning atopic dermatitis on the neck for black skin (mainly at the level of the folds of the neck). Insofar as these treatments would not be enough to eliminate this skin disease, you can also turn to therapeutic alternatives such as oral immunosuppressants, biotherapy, phototherapy and spa treatments.

Fight against hyperpigmentation or depigmentation spots

Atopic dermatitis on black skin can stimulate melanin production in affected areas, which can lead to hyperpigmentation of the skin and dark spots . Depigmentation, areas where the skin clears, may also appear. However, these symptoms are completely benign and transient, even if these fluctuations in pigmentation are more visible on dark skin. In order to restore the skin barrier, here are some actions to apply daily:

  • eliminate as much as possible allergenic substances that can penetrate the skin;
  • air the house every day;
  • clean bedding once a week;
  • brush your hair before bed to remove residue;
  • vacuum frequently;
  • favor cotton rather than synthetic materials and wool;
  • cut labels from clothes;
  • use hypoallergenic detergents;
  • apply appropriate products to take care of your skin.

A skincare routine for atopic black and mestizo skin

In order to soothe atopic skin in the event of skin dryness or quite simply to prevent atopic dermatitis on black skin , it is recommended for dark skin to moisturize daily with suitable care. The feelings of tightness and itching caused by skin dryness will then be greatly soothed. The skin is deeply hydrated and protected . Our Nubiance products are specially formulated for black and mixed-race skin. Our moisturizing creams and cleansing products respect the pH of the skin, and help you reduce (or even eliminate) the light or dark spots that have appeared on your skin following dermatitis. In a few weeks, you will be able to contemplate your skin without blemishes and blemishes !

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