Skin rash and allergies: how to soothe the skin?

Eruption cutanée et allergies : comment apaiser la peau ?

Itchy, eczema, red patches… rashes often come from an allergy and can affect people at any age. Allergy can be caused by contact with an allergen or by ingestion. Follow our advice to soothe itching and make pimples and red patches disappear quickly.

How does a rash appear?

Symptoms of a skin allergy can vary from person to person. But there are two most common forms:

Allergic contact eczema : when you come into contact with an allergen, your body protects itself with different reactions such as dryness of the skin, blistering red patches or crusts. Do not panic ! These rashes disappear after a few days without leaving any scars.

Urticaria : this is the fastest form of a skin allergy where you very quickly find yourself covered in raised red patches. Hives appear only 15 to 30 minutes after exposure and disappear within a few hours.

The different possible allergens

It's not just contact skin allergies that can cause rashes. Many allergens can trigger a skin allergy. In order to better choose the most suitable treatment, you need to know the precise cause of your allergy. Otherwise, you may experience chronicity.

Pimples, red patches and skin lesions can be caused by:

  • A contact allergy: creams, household products or even textile products.
  • A food allergy: there are many cases of sudden skin rashes due to a food that we cannot tolerate. This is often the case in babies and young children.
  • A drug allergy: generally caused by an antibiotic, a drug allergy can also come from a simple painkiller.
  • An allergy to pet hair: Hair from animals like cats and dogs can cause skin rashes.

It should be noted that allergens such as pollen rarely cause a rash. Symptoms are often conjunctivitis and allergic rhinitis.

How to calm an allergic reaction on the skin?

To calm skin rashes such as pimples and red patches, often accompanied by itching, you must avoid contact with the product or allergen causing the allergic reaction.

Also avoid scratching as this risks aggravating the lesions. If the infected area becomes oozing, healing may take many days.

Then, always remember to consult a doctor to follow the appropriate treatment. This may consist of a cream, ointment or oil to apply as well as an antihistamine medication.

In the meantime, you can apply a compress soaked in cold water to the lesions to soothe the itching. Be careful, you should never take an allergic reaction lightly, since in some cases it can lead to more serious symptoms such as:

  • Fever
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomitings
  • Breathing difficulties

How to take care of your skin after a skin allergy?

Rashes tend to dry out the skin. So, it is important to hydrate it well every day. That's not all, you need to take care of your skin covered in pimples so that it regenerates quickly once the allergy passes.

At Nubiance, we have developed an anti-imperfection range to help your skin get rid of breakouts, but above all to return to its initial state quickly and without after-effects.

We therefore advise you to clean your face thoroughly morning and evening in order to eliminate impurities, let the skin breathe and regenerate properly. Use our Micelliance micellar water which will purify your skin by getting rid of particles of makeup, pollution, sweat and sebum.

For completely purified and clear skin, you can also use our Cleanactyl gentle cleansing gel. Enriched with active ingredients, it will deeply cleanse the skin, restore balance and regain a neutral pH to prevent bacteria and microbes from developing.

By having clean, healthy skin, breakouts will calm down more easily. Especially since the risk of marks or scars is almost zero. Do not hesitate to perform a gentle exfoliation all over your body and face.

Our Exfoclear exfoliating gel with soap-free AHAs and neutral pH helps refine and smooth skin texture to eliminate all traces of breakouts. This will allow you to recover the natural appearance of your skin. What's more, this mix of enzymatic scrub and mechanical scrub is very effective in unclogging pores and promoting cell renewal.

Don't forget to apply a moisturizer to soothe your skin after it feels dry and itchy. By applying this ritual every day, your skin will not suffer from the effects of allergic rashes for long.

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