Tout savoir sur le vitiligo

Everything you need to know about vitiligo

Vitiligo is a skin disease characterized by the progressive loss of pigmentation of the skin or hair , favoring the appearance of white spots on the skin bilaterally and symmetrically. Although this condition is not dangerous for physical health, it can have significant emotional repercussions. These depigmentations come from a progressive disappearance of melanocytes, which produce the melanin that causes skin pigmentation. Management of the disease is essential, as is knowing the causes and symptoms of vitiligo.

What is vitiligo?

Vitiligo is a skin condition that results in progressive depigmentation of the epidermis . This abnormality is linked to the loss of melanocytes , the cells responsible for skin pigmentation, which normally produce melatonin. Itching may also be added to this discoloration.

The causes of vitiligo have a multifactorial origin, the immune system is not always the only cause of its triggering. The factors triggering the immune process are poorly understood, but stress can favor the appearance or aggravation of vitiligo, whether psychological or physiological. In addition, the melanocytes being weakened, they become sensitive to friction and repetitive rubbing, which is called the Koebner phenomenon .

Symptoms and manifestations of vitiligo

The disease can present itself in two forms:

  • Segmental vitiligo , which is the least common and is characterized by depigmentation on one side of the body in a well-defined area.

  • Non-segmental or generalized vitiligo where the entire body can be affected. The latter generally begins with the appearance of a simple white spot that evolves over time. The face, hands and feet are, in principle, the body areas that are first affected. But the whitening can extend to the lips, neck, legs.

When vitiligo covers the entire body, it is called vitiligo universalis . In very rare cases, vitiligo can only affect the mucous membranes or, in men, the genitals.

Vitiligo affects everyone equally. It is simply more visible on people with dark, brown or black skin . This can cause more psychological impact.

Diagnosis and progression of autoimmune disease

Diagnosis of vitiligo is often based on a dermatologist's physical examination of the patient's skin. The doctor may also ask about genetic predispositions and perform additional tests to rule out other skin conditions.

Vitiligo can be triggered at any time in life. It can occur suddenly or gradually, and the precise triggers are not always known. The evolution is also difficult to define and depends on each person. The progression or reduction of the spots on the skin is observed almost daily and can be monitored by a dermatologist or a doctor specialized in vitiligo treatments .

How to live with vitiligo?

Living with vitiligo causes frustration with the way others see them. Added to this is a feeling of guilt since there is no physical suffering, only aesthetic. In order to avoid the curiosity, rejection or disgust of others, a person affected by vitiligo may then disinvest in their relationship life, avoid contact, give up a professional career or a romantic encounter. They thus settle into a life of frustration, feeling responsible for their own discomfort.

A quality therapeutic relationship obviously has a major influence on treatment compliance, trust and the feeling of finally being recognized. Dermatologists know how to hear their patients' complaints and allow them to be expressed. Take the time for repeated auscultation during treatment, involve the patient in the therapeutic decision so that it is fully compatible with their lifestyle, family and professional constraints.

How to hide vitiligo?


Very often, people with vitiligo use camouflage to live with this disease. Cosmetics play a crucial role in the daily lives of women in particular. Indeed, very covering foundations can correct vitiligo temporarily. Applied to the face, neck and décolleté, they allow you to regain a more even complexion thanks to formulas rich in pigments that, most of the time, are resistant to water and sweat. For small lesions, a concealer applied locally may be enough to even out the skin color, but for more extensive forms of vitiligo, a corrective product to be applied to the entire face will be more suitable.


People with vitiligo also turn to self-tanning products to hide depigmentation spots . Self-tanning creams and lotions can help to temporarily color depigmented skin areas. This result can be water-resistant and last for several days. The molecules used in these treatments react with the amino acids in the epidermal cells to develop a color of varying shade and intensity. This is a technique appreciated by light phototypes, even if it requires a certain dexterity, because only the lesions must be targeted.

Autoimmune diseases , such as vitiligo, affect several areas of the body and have both a psychological and physical impact. The patches of depigmentation directly affect the quality of life. To find a treatment for vitiligo , turn to doctors who specialize in these pathologies.

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