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How to Remove Blackheads: Effective Tips and Techniques

Blackheads are unsightly and reduce the clarity and luminosity of your complexion. They mainly appear on the face, in the T-zone. Even if they are not serious, you are certainly looking to get rid of them quickly and for as long as possible. Discover effective extraction methods as well as the Nubiance anti-imperfection routine to make them disappear.


Understanding blackheads to better treat them

Blackheads are a common form of acne, also known as comedonal acne . They appear on the skin when pores become clogged with excess sebum, impurities or dead cells. From then on, they can cause inflammation that leads to the appearance of small, rough pimples on the epidermis: comedones. They then take the form of whiteheads (closed comedones) and/or blackheads (open comedones).

In the case of whiteheads , the pore is completely closed, giving it a white or flesh-colored appearance. As for blackheads, they occur when the opening of a pore widens, exposing it to the environment and allowing oxygen to enter. This causes the sebum to oxidize, creating that dark color characteristic of blackheads.

Blackheads usually appear during adolescence, but they can also be experienced at any age. Most often, open comedones appear on the face, especially the nose, but they can also be found on the neck, back, and torso. Although they are annoying, they are fortunately not painful and can be reduced at home with a regular skincare routine .

What causes blackheads?

There are several reasons why this may be happening. First, having oily skin makes you prone to blemishes, including blackheads. This skin type is characterized by excessive sebum production , which leads to your pores becoming clogged more frequently. The other major cause comes from hormonal fluctuations , like those experienced by teenagers.

Blackheads can also be triggered by contact with impurities. Touching your face with dirty hands, for example, is a gesture that promotes acne. Although they do not directly cause blackheads, comedogenic cosmetics or poor skincare habits can also clog pores and lead to the appearance of blemishes . For example, some people think that aggressive cleansing removes excess sebum from oily skin. But in reality, this can cause your skin to produce more sebum in response. Rely on Nubiance anti-blemish skincare to restore healthy skin.

What are the effective and safe extraction methods?

The comedone extractor

This small metal utensil allows you to remove blackheads without pressing with your fingers. Don't forget to disinfect it before each use.

Activated carbon

A charcoal mask is very effective for removing blackheads. White clay and green clay also work very well. Repeat this mask once or twice a week. Choose an anti-blackhead formula with charcoal, for example. Obtained from heated wood, it is an extremely effective ingredient for absorbing impurities and deep cleansing.

The facial sauna

Facial sauna is very effective for removing blackheads. It is a very simple technique to implement at home:

  • Place about two liters of water in a saucepan with a little fresh mint, then bring to the boil.

  • Pour into a salad bowl and add a few lemon slices.

  • Place your face about 30 cm above the bowl and cover your head with a towel.

  • After a few minutes, you can remove your blackheads with a comedone extractor or with a tissue so as not to touch your skin with your fingers. Then do not hesitate to disinfect with an antiseptic solution.

The blackhead vacuum cleaner and its absorption power

The blackhead vacuum cleaner is a small electrical device designed to extract blackheads . It is associated with several tips, but also the area to be treated. The absorption force is also adjustable. It is a simple device to use that can be applied to the entire skin of your face. The sensation should not be painful, but rather resemble a suction cup effect.

Systematically disinfect each tip after use. It is recommended to use the blackhead vacuum cleaner only once a month so as not to further stimulate sebum secretion or leave the pores permanently dilated .

What daily anti-blackhead routine should you adopt?

To get rid of blackheads, the Nubiance anti-blemish routine is made for you! Thanks to these four treatments, you will regain healthy and healthy skin. First, remove your makeup with Micelliance® micellar water using a cotton pad to remove traces of makeup. Continue cleaning your face with Cleanactyl® cleansing gel to remove all impurities from the surface of your skin. Then, focus on exfoliation with Exfoclear® exfoliating gel which eliminates dead cells and revives the complexion. Finally, apply ACT-5® intense anti-blemish treatment as a cream to deeply moisturize and erase blackhead and pimple marks.

Expert Tips to Get Rid of Blackheads on Nose

Blackheads are often numerous on the nose, because this part of the face has a large number of sebaceous glands . To eliminate them, you can use blackhead patches to apply to the nostrils which act like magnets. Intended to be used only once, a patch is soaked in exfoliating and purifying active ingredients, and captures comedones . Easy to use, it is applied to the nose, on clean and moistened skin. After a few minutes, simply remove it gently. Generally speaking, these patches are not suitable for sensitive skin and it is best to reserve them for exceptional use.

If you have a lot of blackheads around your nose , you may benefit from seeing a dermatologist or doctor who can prescribe over-the-counter products, including salicylic acid treatments or prescription treatments such as retinoids . In extreme cases, your dermatologist may perform a clinical extraction using sterile instruments.

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