Essential oils and acne: an effective solution

huiles essentielles et acne

Essential oils have many benefits for the skin and are becoming essential in beauty routines. But did you know that some of them can help treat acne and relieve blemishes in acne-prone skin ?

Discover effective essential oils to clear your pimples and how to use them. You can also combine them with our Anti-Blemish Duo which eliminates blackheads and regulates excess sebum.

Where does acne come from?

Contrary to popular belief, acne spots are not reserved for puberty. Adults also suffer from these imperfections. Women are particularly affected, particularly because of hormonal imbalances : pregnancy, contraception, periods, menopause, etc.

Stress also plays a role in the appearance of acne. Indeed, this state of anxiety causes a release of cortisol, leading with it to an overproduction of sebum . Other external causes can also clog the pores of your epidermis: pollution, too rich a diet, aggressive cosmetic products, etc.

The benefits of essential oils for the skin

Essential oils offer multiple benefits for the skin. Depending on the plant, flower or root used, you can:

  • Heal pimples, small wounds, minor burns, etc.

  • Regulate excess sebum

  • Soothe itching and redness in skin problems such as eczema

  • Plump the epidermis

  • Bring hydration and tone to the skin

  • Fight against skin aging

7 anti-acne essential oils

Several essential oils are effective against acne:

  • Tea tree helps treat acne spots by simple application using a cotton swab.

  • Linalool thyme has anti-bacterial properties that act on blemish-prone skin .

  • Fine lavender stands out for its healing and skin regenerating properties. It will promote the reconstitution of skin damaged by pimples and fade acne scars .

  • Rose geranium has anti-wrinkle, anti-oily skin and anti-acne properties. Toning and disinfecting, it beautifies the complexion and encourages skin firmness.

  • Lemongrass helps fight pimples and blackheads thanks to its anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, anti-septic and healing actions.

  • Ylang-ylang , with anti-bacterial and sebum-regulating properties, helps control sebum production and eliminate the bacteria responsible for acne .

  • Lemon eucalyptus soothes the inflammation of comedones which tighten the skin.

How to use essential oils to treat acne?

To use an acne essential oil , it is important to follow some tips for use to ensure effective and safe results. First of all, It is essential to dilute essential oils in a non-comedogenic carrier oil, such as jojoba oil , hazelnut oil , or apricot kernel oil . Essential oils are very concentrated and can be irritating to the skin if applied directly to it. The recommended dilution for using essential oils on the face is generally 1 to 2%, or approximately 3 to 6 drops of essential oil per 30 ml of carrier oil.

Before applying a diluted essential oil to your face, it is important to perform a skin test to check that you are not allergic or sensitive to it. Apply a small amount of the preparation to a non-irritated area of ​​skin, such as the inside of the wrist, and wait 24 hours to check that no adverse reactions occur.

To treat acne with essential oils, it is recommended to apply them locally, directly to the pimples and affected areas. You can use a cotton swab to precisely apply the diluted preparation to each pimple. Apply the diluted essential oil preparation once or twice a day, preferably after cleansing and drying your face. For this, we recommend our Anti-Imperfections Duo , ideal for saying stop to blackheads and comedones , as well as promoting sebum regulation. Inside, you can find:

  • Cleanactyl® Cleansing Gel to remove impurities from your skin and restore freshness. Soap-free, with neutral pH, this gel is the essential product for oily, acne-prone skin.

  • The Intense Anti-Imperfections Treatment to apply with a light circular massage over the entire face morning and evening. Its action regulates the production of sebum and prevents the appearance of new unwanted spots.

It is also possible to combine different essential oils to create synergy and benefit from their respective properties. For example, you can mix tea tree essential oil with lavender oil to obtain a preparation that is both anti-bacterial and soothing.

Some recommendations to say stop to acne

Here are our latest tips for saying stop to acne breakouts :

  • Don't touch your pimples or try to pop them. Your fingers can bring in new bacteria that can increase inflammation in your skin.

  • Avoid overexposure to the sun, because if at first it dries out the spots, returning from vacation becomes synonymous with overproduction of sebum.

  • Choose products suited to your skin and acne type.

  • Avoid very covering foundations which can encourage the appearance of spots by suffocating the skin of the face.

Also discover our advice on the 5 steps to follow to get rid of pimples.

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