Bakuchiol: an effective active ingredient against acne in black to dark skin

Bakuchiol actif acné peaux noires

Bakuchiol can help you regain the elasticity and firmness of your skin. It is a chemical compound used in traditional medicine. This active ingredient has antifungal, antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which make it effective in fighting acne, particularly on black, dark or mixed skin. We tell you everything about it.

What is bakuchiol?

It is a chemical compound found in the seeds of a plant of Indian origin called babchi or Psoralea corylifolia. Used in traditional medicine, this plant can reach 1 meter high. It constitutes a natural treatment against certain skin pathologies such as ringworm and scabies. Bakuchiol helps treat skin suffering from persistent acne.

In France, many people are affected by this disease. Symptoms related to acne include:

  • Excessive sebum production ;
  • Hyperkeratinization;
  • Inflammation of the skin ;
  • Bacterial proliferation .

Several cosmetic brands offer serums, creams, boosters and other products that contain bakuchiol. At Nubiance, we included it in our ACT-5 Intense Anti-Imperfection Treatment . This active ingredient is a good ally in the fight against acne . Skin imperfections mainly affect adolescents, but also infants and adults.

What is bakuchiol used for?

Bakuchiol allows:

  • To prevent the development of bacteria favoring the appearance of imperfections;
  • To normalize the natural flow of sebum.
  • Unlike benzoyl peroxide or retinoids, bakuchiol is neither photosensitizing nor irritating. Thus, it is perfectly suited to sensitive skin.

In addition, you can integrate it into a day treatment. Furthermore, it has interesting anti-aging properties which allow it to:

  • Boost collagen production as well as cell renewal;
  • Fight against free radicals.

Bakuchiol also makes the skin firmer and smoother. According to numerous studies, this chemical compound reduces wrinkles and evens out skin tone. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antioxidant properties, it helps reduce imperfections. Limiting the degradation of elastin and collagen, it reduces scars and repairs the skin.

How to use bakuchiol in your fight against acne?

Generally, acne is caused by the following factors:

  • Obstruction and inflammation of the hair follicle due to the proliferation of bacteria;
  • Hypersecretion of sebum: this phenomenon can be due to hormonal activity or excessively oily makeup;
  • Bacterial infection: bacteria multiply by feeding on sebum.

So, what to do to fight acne? In cases of severe acne, bakuchiol is an effective anti-blemish treatment because it works by ridding your skin of blemishes. Here are some tips for use:

  • For optimal effectiveness, apply your bakuchiol treatment and your anti-dark spots cream before going to bed;
  • Apply this treatment twice a day for best results and make sure the other ingredients are suitable for your skin;
  • You can use it as a face mask on your face to treat acne rosacea.

Furthermore, do not hesitate to combine bakuchiol with hyaluronic acid with plumping and hydrating properties.

Advantages and disadvantages: bakuchiol vs retinol to effectively fight acne

Bakuchiol and retinol are quite similar in their actions on the skin. Combining perfectly, they help reduce wrinkles .

Many cosmetic products contain retinol because it is effective against aging and acne. However, this chemical compound is aggressive and can sometimes cause redness, irritation and peeling. Unlike retinol or vitamin A , bakuchiol is not only suitable for black and oily skin, but also for sensitive skin. In addition, this active ingredient is perfectly suitable for pregnant or breastfeeding women.

Do not hesitate to integrate it into your skincare routine by combining it with vitamin C. It presents no risk of irritation and can be applied in the morning. Its advantages are numerous:

  • It moisturizes and softens dry skin;
  • It reduces imperfections and regulates the flow of sebum;
  • It softens the skin and eliminates imperfections.

Thus, bakuchiol is a more effective treatment than retinol.

Does bakuchiol have any contraindications?

Fortunately, this active ingredient has no contraindications. For optimal effectiveness, combine bakuchiol with other elements of your beauty routine .

You can use it in the form of cream, mask or serum. Choose the treatment best suited to your daily ritual in order to effectively eliminate your skin's imperfections.

In addition to fighting acne , bakuchiol boosts collagen production and reduces fine lines. Reducing age spots, it makes the skin more elastic and firmer. On the other hand, the irritant power of retinol can damage sensitive skin. Unlike bakuchiol, it is not recommended for pregnant women. It is recommended to consult your dermatologist in case of:

  • Struggle
  • Tingling
  • Peeling
  • Redness

This way, you will be able to benefit from advice and find a treatment that is perfectly suited to your skin.

Conclusion :

Bakuchiol is an effective natural treatment for acne and can be used in different forms. Unlike retinol, this active ingredient has the advantage of being suitable for black, sensitive or reactive skin. Although it is still little known, it is an excellent ally to fight against skin imperfections.

According to American researchers, salicylic acid combined with bakuchiol would be even more effective in finding clear, elastic and blemish-free skin. Looking for other solutions? Nubiance offers you various products adapted to your Nubian skin, including the intense anti-acne and blemish treatment Act-5 . Contact us for more information !

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