Nubiance Skincare advice for perfect skin!

Comprendre le microbiome cutané : un guide essentiel pour votre peau

Understanding the Skin Microbiome: An Essential...

Much more than an external envelope, the skin is a true organ necessary for life. It constitutes both the separation and the exchange ground between our internal environment and the...

Understanding the Skin Microbiome: An Essential...

Much more than an external envelope, the skin is a true organ necessary for life. It constitutes both the separation and the exchange ground between our internal environment and the...

Barrière cutanée : la comprendre et la renforcer

Skin barrier: understanding and strengthening it

The skin barrier is an essential element of our skin, playing a crucial role in protection against external aggressions. A damaged skin barrier can lead to various dermatological problems, such...

Skin barrier: understanding and strengthening it

The skin barrier is an essential element of our skin, playing a crucial role in protection against external aggressions. A damaged skin barrier can lead to various dermatological problems, such...

Quels antibiotiques pour lutter contre l’acné ?

Which antibiotics to fight acne?

Antibiotics, although not automatic, can be used in the treatment of mild to severe acne. Whether topical or oral, these medications help reduce inflammation and diminish acne lesions to restore...

Which antibiotics to fight acne?

Antibiotics, although not automatic, can be used in the treatment of mild to severe acne. Whether topical or oral, these medications help reduce inflammation and diminish acne lesions to restore...

Tout savoir sur le lien entre pilule et acné

Everything you need to know about the link betw...

Skin imperfections linked to acne can be of hormonal origin. Stress, tobacco, pollution and an unbalanced diet also contribute to their appearance. Contrary to popular belief, acne does not only...

Everything you need to know about the link betw...

Skin imperfections linked to acne can be of hormonal origin. Stress, tobacco, pollution and an unbalanced diet also contribute to their appearance. Contrary to popular belief, acne does not only...

la dermatillomanie

Everything you need to know about dermatillomania

Dermatillomania is an OCD characterized by an obsessive desire and repeated to scratch the skin . People affected by this disorder are in the majority of cases prone to anxiety , neurosis...

Everything you need to know about dermatillomania

Dermatillomania is an OCD characterized by an obsessive desire and repeated to scratch the skin . People affected by this disorder are in the majority of cases prone to anxiety , neurosis...