Which antibiotics to fight acne?

Quels antibiotiques pour lutter contre l’acné ?

Antibiotics, although not automatic, can be used in the treatment of mild to severe acne. Whether topical or oral, these medications help reduce inflammation and diminish acne lesions to restore smooth, healthy skin.

However, their prescription is very regulated, just like homeopathy which is based on numerous characteristics specific to the patient. Discover effective acne treatments as well as the complete Nubiance ritual to make your pimples disappear and smooth your acne scars.

Why treat acne with antibiotics?

Cutibacterium acnes (C. acnes) bacteria control

Formerly known as Propionibacterium acnes, Cutibacterium acnes is the main bacteria that causes acne. Present in the sebaceous glands of all individuals, it exists in different types and is an integral part of the skin microbiome. In this way, it contributes to its balance.

This saprophytic bacterium feeds on decomposing organic matter such as sebum which plays a major role in the appearance of pimples, comedones, blackheads, etc. It therefore also intervenes in the phenomena of retentional acne.

The imbalance of the skin microbiome is accompanied by the formation of biofilms. In fact, thin layers isolate bacteria from the outside, allowing them to continue to grow, and making them more resistant to antibacterial treatments.

When antibiotics are applied to the skin to target acne or given orally, they eradicate or render ineffective several types of bacteria, not just the bacteria that causes acne (C. acnes).

Reduction of inflammation

Acne often causes inflammatory reactions, which are the basis for the formation of pimples . Numerous lesions and scars then result in the form of small deep holes or larger cavities of varying depth, or even large indentations. Acne scars can persist for life.

To avoid this unsightly phenomenon, people with boils and pustules are given tretinoin with benzoyl peroxide, a topical antibiotic, or both. Less inflammation in the skin can lead to less acne, which is why antibiotics continue to be prescribed as an anti-inflammatory treatment for acne.

Doxycycline, for example, acts directly on acne lesions thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties: a rapid reduction in lesions and an improvement in tolerance to basic local treatments is observed, this in particular favors the elimination of comedones.

Also read our article on dermatology for black skin .

antibiotic and acne

Treatment of acne with antibiotics: medicinal solutions

Topical antibiotics

Topical antibiotics are generally prescribed by dermatologists to reduce inflammation of pimples and comedones. Local acne treatment may include:

  • A cream or gel containing benzoyl peroxide
  • A cream or gel containing a retinoid associated or not with the previous one
  • A cream or gel containing azelaic acid

Cutaneously, clindamycin is often recommended. This local anti-acne drug detected in comedone samples is effective against most strains of C. acnes.

Erythromycin is also a locally acting antibiotic treatment which belongs to the macrolide family, regularly used in the treatment of acne. It acts by destroying certain germs responsible for inflammation of the comedo and the formation of pustules.

Dual therapy, a combination of erythromycin or clindamycin, should be used to treat papulopustular acne. This very inflammatory form requires special care.

antibotics and black skin acne

Oral antibiotics

The doctor or dermatologist prescribes an oral antibiotic for the most inflammatory forms of acne that are resistant to local treatments used alone. In this case, the prescription of an antibiotic from the cyclin family is recommended for a period not to exceed three months. However, it is important to note that cyclins are phytotoxic and their use implies effective protection against the sun.

In the presence of severe or very severe acne, a medication from the retinoid family such as isotretinoin may be prescribed. These are products derived from vitamin A. These are prescribed as a last-line treatment for severe acne, only in the event of failure of conventional treatments with antibiotics and local treatments. Many contraindications concerning isotretinoin absolutely require prior consultation with a health professional.

Courses of oral antibiotics last several months to be truly effective against acne. Medical follow-up is very important to monitor the evolution of acne lesions.

Discover our article on the importance of dermatological consultation .

Homeopathy against acne: a gentler solution

Common Homeopathic Remedies

There are many homeopathic remedies for acne . Among the most common are recommended: sulfur, pulsatilla, sepia, hepar sulfuris, belladonna and kali bromatum. Each remedy is chosen based on a person's specific symptoms, acne type, and overall health.

Homeopathic remedies for acne are not limited to those mentioned above. Depending on the severity of acne and individual symptoms, other remedies may be recommended by a specialist. For example, if acne is accompanied by intense itching, the remedy graphite may be recommended. The latter is also beneficial for people with dry skin and acne scars .

Another homeopathic remedy commonly used to treat acne is the remedy arsenicum iodatum. This treatment is particularly effective for people with oily skin and painful pustules. It helps reduce inflammation and prevent new acne lesions from forming.

Homeopathy makes it possible to treat the various symptoms of acne, but also to intervene in support of the psychological consequences of the disease, in particular the psychological aspect linked to how others view oneself.

This safe and risk-free therapy works in the long term. Without side effects, this homeopathic treatment for acne is completely compatible with other current drug treatments, even antibiotics prescribed by a doctor or dermatologist.

Holistic approach to homeopathy

Homeopathy is distinguished from general medicine by its holistic approach to health which takes into account the whole individual rather than focusing only on the specific symptoms of an illness. So, homeopathic acne treatments are chosen based on a person's specific symptoms and health condition. They are given in the form of small pills, tablets or drops.

The choice of homeopathic remedy is based on a careful analysis of the person's symptoms. Homeopaths take into account not only physical symptoms, but also emotional and mental symptoms. They seek to understand the whole to find the remedy that best corresponds to their condition.

Once homeopathic treatment is established, it is administered in very low doses which stimulate the immune system and help the body restore its natural balance. The goal is to treat the root cause of the condition rather than simply suppressing the symptoms of acne.

Homeopathy is often used to treat a wide variety of health conditions such as skin problems. However, this alternative to general medicine is not suitable for everyone and it is always best to consult a healthcare professional before starting homeopathic treatment to assess the general condition of the person concerned before prescribing a homeopathic remedy.

Also discover the 4 cosmetic active ingredients to fight acne .

acne antibiotic

The Nubiance solution against acne

Our anti-imperfection trio is specially designed to meet the needs of combination to oily skin prone to acne. Made up of three hygiene and care products, this routine offers a complete approach to treating acne. However, it is necessary to confirm with the specialist to combine care with taking an antibiotic. Furthermore, we recommend that you test the products on a small part of the skin to detect possible allergies. Read the instructions for using the treatments carefully before applying them.

Discover this 3-step routine, to be carried out morning and evening to obtain convincing results and regain smooth and healthy skin:

  • Micelliance®: Micelliance® High Tolerance Micellar Water from Nubiance constitutes the first step in our anti-imperfection trio. Perfect for gently erasing traces of makeup and impurities, this delicate solution contains no perfume, coloring or alcohol. Its complete make-up removing power rids your skin of all the external aggressions of everyday life which prevent it from revealing itself.
  • Cleanactyl®: Cleanactyl® Soap-Free Facial Cleansing Gel has been specially designed for oily skin prone to acne and/or blemishes. During this second step, you will benefit from deep cleansing thanks to the gel that you can apply in rotations to the skin. The latter eliminates excess sebum responsible in particular for skin imperfections.
  • ACT-5®: The last step of our anti-imperfection trio is governed by our Intense Anti-Imperfection Treatment called ACT-5®. Its in-depth action helps reduce the appearance of pimples and blackheads in a targeted manner. Its unique formulation preserves the natural balance of the skin, preventing any skin dryness. Thanks to ACT-5®, your skin regains iron health and shines without imperfections. Your black skin will be enhanced by this ultimate treatment, which is very effective in managing acne.

It will only take a few weeks for you to notice the improvement in the texture of your skin, providing a smooth result and far from any imperfections.

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