Nubiance Skincare advice for perfect skin!

Boutons dans le dos : comment s’en débarrasser ?

Pimples on the back: how to get rid of them?

Many factors influence the appearance of back acne: diet, smoking, hormonal fluctuations, contraceptives, perspiration, oily deposits, etc. To get rid of them, taking antibiotics, zinc or burdock supplements, and scrubs...

Pimples on the back: how to get rid of them?

Many factors influence the appearance of back acne: diet, smoking, hormonal fluctuations, contraceptives, perspiration, oily deposits, etc. To get rid of them, taking antibiotics, zinc or burdock supplements, and scrubs...

acné hormonale

Hormonal acne: causes, symptoms and treatments

Our memories of adolescence are often punctuated by changes for which we were more or less prepared: a growth spurt, bodily changes and… skin problems ! While we all dreamed...

Hormonal acne: causes, symptoms and treatments

Our memories of adolescence are often punctuated by changes for which we were more or less prepared: a growth spurt, bodily changes and… skin problems ! While we all dreamed...

femme noire qui nettoie son visage

Acne flare-up: how to avoid the rebound effect?

The rebound effect occurs after the summer and causes an outbreak of acne pimples on black skin. How to avoid it? Answers in this article.

Acne flare-up: how to avoid the rebound effect?

The rebound effect occurs after the summer and causes an outbreak of acne pimples on black skin. How to avoid it? Answers in this article.

Les 3 types de cicatrices d'acné (et comment les traiter ? )

The 3 types of acne scars (and how to treat them?)

There are several types of acne: retentional acne, inflammatory acne and hormonal acne. But what is certain is that all these pimples always leave unsightly scars, especially if you do...

The 3 types of acne scars (and how to treat them?)

There are several types of acne: retentional acne, inflammatory acne and hormonal acne. But what is certain is that all these pimples always leave unsightly scars, especially if you do...

Follicullite et pseudo folliculite de la barbe : que faire ?

Folliculitis and pseudo folliculitis of the bea...

Gentlemen, do you notice pimples and blemishes after every shave ? Irritation of the beard skin mainly affects frizzy hairs and certain variations. This is usually the result of shaving....

Folliculitis and pseudo folliculitis of the bea...

Gentlemen, do you notice pimples and blemishes after every shave ? Irritation of the beard skin mainly affects frizzy hairs and certain variations. This is usually the result of shaving....