Acné microkystique : la reconnaître et la traiter

Microcystic Acne: Recognizing and Treating It

Acne is a real enemy of beauty for women and men. It invades the face especially in adolescence, but can also persist until adulthood in some people. Among the most common forms of acne, there is microcystic acne also called whiteheads. Even if the forms of acne have almost the same causes, they must be distinguished to better treat them. Read our article to overcome your microcystic acne.

How to recognize microcystic acne?

Cystic acne differs from other types of comedones with whiteheads under shiny skin. When an excess of sebum is produced, in particular due to a surge of hormones, severe medical treatment or stress, the pilosebaceous follicles risk becoming clogged. The orifice of the pilar canal can no longer evacuate sebum and keratin normally. In the end, the orifice is completely covered with cells of the epidermis.

In the case of blackheads, the sebum manages to come out on the surface and in contact with the air, it oxidizes. Hence its color change. In the case of whiteheads, the sebum and keratin secreted by the sebaceous gland remain under the skin. This results in a localized bulging of pale color. Hence its name: white point.

If not taken care of in time, the microcyst can deteriorate into inflammation due to microbial proliferation. This phase is triggered when bacteria accumulate in the sebaceous gland and the body reacts to defend itself. It should be noted that acne cysts are deeper than all other types of acne since they are located under the skin.

How to treat cystic acne?

Cystic acne is to be taken very seriously since it is a severe form of acne. Without prompt treatment, microcystic acne can lead to pimples and deep lesions. Very quickly, this can deteriorate into painful nodules. Before starting the use of dermocosmetic treatments, it is better to follow the proven advice of a doctor in order to stop and cure the inflammation at the source.

To overcome whiteheads, you have to act at the first signs! According to the opinion of a dermatologist, it is important to cleanse the skin well on a daily basis, with a suitable gel or lotion to avoid the accumulation of sebum and other impurities which clog the pores. At Nubiance, our Cleansing and Purifying Trio takes care of skin cleansing. It contains an exfoliant based on AHA or a-hydroxy acids that promote healing and keratinization of the skin. What's more, Exfoclear is very effective in purifying and exfoliating the skin to prevent the appearance of pimples.

Then, you have to apply an effective beauty product to eliminate these imperfections. You can use a cream or an oil, but preferably with dermatological ingredients that help regulate sebum production. For example, you can apply our Act-5 cream, which is both moisturizing, anti-blemish and anti-stain. It restores the hydrolipidic barrier, prevents bacterial proliferation and smoothes skin texture while correcting spots caused by pimples.

If the inflammation is very severe, the doctor may prescribe antibiotic treatment.

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