Acné rosacée : quels sont les traitements ?

Acne rosacea: what are the treatments?

Rosacea, also called acne rosacea, is a skin disease that causes redness on the face, especially in the T-zone, and can sometimes even affect the eyes. It affects between 2 and 3% of the population and has serious consequences on morale. What are the contributing factors to rosacea? How to treat this disease? Discover all our advice in this article and soothe your redness with our anti-blemish trio .

What is acne rosacea?

Rosacea is listed as a chronic skin condition that affects blood vessels, mainly on the face, and causes redness, couperose (redness on the cheeks, nose, forehead, and chin), and occasionally acne. It is called acne rosacea even though it is not exactly acne. No blackheads here. Some symptoms are similar, such as pustules and papules (visible and palpable lesions, slightly raised above the skin).

Although the causes of rosacea have not been determined, several factors can contribute to its appearance:

  • The environment.

  • Hereditary and genetic factors (more likely people have light skin, eyes and hair).

  • An anomaly in the micro-blood vessels which then overreact to heat.

  • A mite present on the skin, Demodex.

Thus, unlike acne linked to hormonal factors , rosacea is more caused by changes in temperature, wind, sun, significant physical effort, or even the consumption of alcohol or spicy foods. All skin types are affected, even sensitive skin.

How to identify acne rosacea?

Facial redness and hot flashes

The vascular form or early phase of rosacea is manifested by persistent redness, called erythema, in the center of the face, except around the eyes and mouth. Hot flashes and flare-ups of redness occasionally occur in particular climatic conditions and after eating certain foods. The face and sometimes the neck then become very red, with an unpleasant feeling of heat. However, these symptoms tend to disappear with age.

Facial rosacea, red spots and other symptoms

Other signs may be associated:

  • Rosacea consisting of telangiectasias, a visible and permanent dilation of small blood vessels in the skin, very red, even purplish, just under the surface of the skin. They are located on the T zone of the face . They spare the area around the mouth and eyes.

  • Burning and stinging sensations in the skin of the face.

  • A rough appearance of the skin accompanied by flaking .

  • Papules (red spots) and pustules (white-headed spots) may appear against a background of redness. It is not associated with retentional lesions such as comedones or microcysts , unlike classic acne.

  • A thickening of the skin, as well as dilation and inflammation of the pores of the nose, called rhinophyma . In some cases, the skin thickening is associated with papulopustules and may extend to the rest of the face.

Ocular rosacea

It is estimated that approximately 30 to 50% of rosacea cases are accompanied by eye involvement. When it affects the eyes, this pathology generates burning and itching. This eye pathology is also characterized by inflammation and swelling of the eyelids. It is believed to be due to a dysfunction of the Meibomian glands. Located at the base of the eyelids, they normally participate in the lubrication of the eyes by secreting an oily substance. Ocular rosacea also causes dry eyes, which become red and watery. The eyes are then particularly sensitive to light. Small blood vessels dilate and become visible on the white area of ​​the eye.

What beauty routine to soothe your skin when faced with rosacea?

Rosacea plays a major role in self-confidence. These red spots and small pimples reflect a poor self-image and people suffering from this disease can suffer from the way others look at them. Even if a consultation with a dermatologist is essential to treat this condition in depth, you can use the Nubiance anti-blemish trio as anti-redness solutions.


In this pack, you can find in particular:

  • Micelliance® micellar make-up remover water to remove all traces of pollution and cosmetic products from your face using a cotton pad. Its action tones and soothes the skin while providing immediate comfort.

  • Cleanactyl® facial cleansing gel to deeply cleanse and purify combination to oily skin, and acne-prone skin. This gel softens facial skin and provides a radiant, blemish-free complexion .

  • ACT-5® Intense Anti-Blemish Treatment to restore skin barrier function, prevent bacterial proliferation and improve skin texture without causing excessive dehydration.

How to treat your rosacea?

Rosacea is classically treated according to its stage:

  • At the stages of redness in the form of rosacea, physical treatments by a dermatologist, particularly by laser, are often recommended and very effective. However, they are expensive and sometimes a simple makeup with green tinted creams to reduce redness can already improve the complexion.

  • At the papulopustule stages, internal systemic treatments, mainly based on antibiotics from the cyclin family, are frequently prescribed by doctors, but with the potential side effects that they are known to have, especially on the digestive and vaginal flora. From time to time, oral isotretinoin is prescribed, a heavy treatment prescribed in cases of severe acne, and which gives good results in rosacea, but to the detriment of complex management with many side effects. Creams or gels with antibacterial properties are also offered.

Now you know how to overcome rosacea, this acne that mainly affects women in the form of rosacea. Do not hesitate to consult a doctor to obtain a prescription and effective treatment against vascular rosacea .

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