Acné visage : définition et causes

Facial acne: definition and causes

Do you suffer from acne on your face? Do you want to understand where these pimples come from and how they are characterized to better treat them? In adolescents as well as adults, acne is characterized by microcysts caused by hormonal imbalances mainly. Nubiance gives you the best advice and even gives you an anti-imperfection routine to adopt to say stop to adult acne on the face .


Understanding Facial Acne

Blackheads: excessive sebum production

Sebum plays a moisturizing and protective role for the most superficial layer of the skin. This production of sebum is controlled by hormones, and particularly by testosterone . At puberty, the testosterone level is multiplied by five, which stimulates the production of sebum, explaining why the skin becomes oilier and the frequent appearance of pimples in adolescence . The latter form when excess sebum ends up blocking the duct. In other words, it can no longer be evacuated to the surface, it accumulates.

Red pimples: hyperkeratinization

When the duct that excretes sebum on the surface of the skin becomes blocked, the surrounding tissues are affected, particularly the cells that make up the epidermis, the keratinocytes . The latter respond by multiplying, which results in localized thickening of the skin: the pimple is red and raised. And this is the spiral, because thicker skin further prevents the exit of sebum and promotes the clogging of the duct responsible for evacuating it.

Whiteheads: bacterial growth on the skin

The accumulation of sebum in the dermis is conducive to the development of a particular type of bacteria that produce inflammatory substances: the pimple becomes even more prominent and becomes white, revealing more or less the presence of underlying pus. It can disappear spontaneously, open outwards, releasing the pus, or evolve. We speak of an inflammatory pimple or lesion , as opposed to black and red pimples called retentional lesions .

Forehead acne

Have you ever heard of the T-zone ? The forehead and nose are part of it and are more likely to suffer from acne pimples even on black skin . The forehead, rich in hair-sebaceous follicles , easily becomes oily and shiny, followed by the appearance of blackheads , whiteheads and red pimples depending on the type of acne. Very often, people suffering from acne on the forehead try to camouflage them with bangs or a cap, but the sweat secreted in these two cases risks aggravating your acne and irritating your skin. Also be careful with shampoos, non-comedogenic products that attack your forehead if you do not rinse this area properly.

Acne around mouth

There are different pathologies that can cause lesions on the chin and the perioral region. The most common disease is acne, especially in women, in adulthood, which can lead to deep lesions such as nodules and cysts . It is essential not to touch your skin without washing your hands, but also not to use home remedies. It is also essential not to use greasy creams and to ensure that all cosmetics, sunscreen and makeup are oil-free.

Pimples on other areas of the face

On the nose, blackheads are often the ones that proliferate. So think about removing bad fats for a perfectly clean nose. On the head and cheeks, an area constantly exposed to bacteria and directly connected to the lungs and respiratory tract, the spread of bacteria is encouraged. This results in the appearance of papules and pustules . At the temples, you can also see acne pimples appear. To avoid them, hydrate yourself regularly to facilitate the work of your kidneys and thus ensure better drainage.

What beauty routine to say stop to acne pimples on the face?

Are you looking for solutions and advice to counteract the appearance of pimples on your face ? Nubiance offers you an anti-blemish skincare routine that is ideal for combating the proliferation of blackheads. First of all, it is essential to remove your makeup with Micelliance® micellar water using a cotton pad. Indeed, whether it is makeup, perspiration or pollution, your skin is covered in impurities that stimulate acne. Then, in the second step, you must deeply cleanse your face with Cleanactyl® cleansing gel. Using circular movements, you will remove all traces of dirt from your face and effectively eliminate excess sebum. In the third step, to be carried out once or twice a week, exfoliation is essential. To do this, Exfoclear® exfoliating gel helps you eliminate dead cells on the surface of the epidermis and restore a revived complexion. Finally, after having thoroughly dried your skin, the ACT-5® intense anti-imperfection treatment helps you regulate sebum production while hydrating your face and restoring the barrier function of the hydrolipidic film.

What factors influence facial acne?

There are several causes of facial acne:

  • Excessive sebum production : Overproduction of sebum can lead to clogged pores and the appearance of blemishes . This phenomenon is influenced by hormonal fluctuations, especially during puberty, menstruation, pregnancy or menopause.

  • Clogged pores : When dead skin cells and sebum build up in hair follicles , the pores become clogged, leading to blackheads, whiteheads, and pimples.

  • Bacterial growth : Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes) is a bacteria found on the surface of the skin. When it multiplies excessively, it can trigger inflammation and acne breakouts .

  • Diet : High glycemic index foods, sugar and dairy have been linked to an increased risk of pimples in some people.

  • Stress : Stress can cause the release of stress hormones, such as cortisol, which can stimulate oil production and trigger breakouts.

  • Genetics : Family history can play a role in a person's predisposition to developing pimples or other facial blemishes .

Stronger treatments exist to treat adult acne . To do this, make an appointment with a specialist doctor or dermatologist to study the symptoms of your redness and pimples and administer appropriate medication. In case of itching or irritation, the most important thing is not to touch your pimples or acne scars .

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