Le blog Nubiance

Nos conseils et articles pour prendre soin de toi.

How does eczema appear on black skin?
Eczema is a skin disease that affects all skin colors. also called atopic dermatitis , it is manifested by the appearance of patches of inflammation often accompanied by small pimples called vesicles. But on black, mixed...
Regain beautiful skin by eliminating acne scars on black skin
You have finally succeeded in fighting your acne, but a new dilemma arises for you? Scars? What a chore ! However, do not despair. If you have succeeded in eradicating your acne, you can do...
Top 5 mistakes to avoid in case of acne on black skin
Smooth skin and a luminous complexion, do you dream of it? Adopt the right gestures! Very often, we tend to rely on false ideas and we end up severely degrading our acne. To avoid reaching...
Beauty interview with Migna Touré!
Sport, food, well-being… What are basketball player Migna Touré's best-kept beauty secrets?
Acne and diet: the impact of sport on the skin
Stimulate the muscles, strengthen the heart, act on the silhouette... Although exercise is generally considered to be a boon for the body as a whole, its many benefits for the skin and the mind should...
Spots, pimples, allergies, psoriasis... When the skin expresses itself!
The skin is our first identity card, and alone collects a lot of information. Its appearance informs us about the age of our interlocutor, his ethnic origin, but also about his physical condition, his possible...
Is the laser effective in erasing dark spots?
The laser, miracle solution against brown spots on the face? Nubiance reveals the answers you've been waiting for!
Acne of pregnancy on black skin: causes and treatments
Are you pregnant and unsightly pimples appear on your face? We have the solution for you. Pregnancy hormones often lead to the appearance of acne pimples due to an imbalance in the sebaceous glands. Fortunately, it...
Severe acne on black skin: causes and treatments
Many people despair after trying various treatments or seen different doctors . But rest assured, it is not hopeless! It is possible to regain healthy skin and your self-esteem thanks to solutions for acne-prone skin ....
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