Le blog Nubiance

Nos conseils et articles pour prendre soin de toi.

Acné visage : définition et causes
Vous souffrez d'acné sur le visage ? Vous souhaitez comprendre d'où ces boutons proviennent et comment ils se caractérisent pour mieux les traiter ? Chez les adolescents comme les adultes, l'acné se caractérise par des...
Adult inflammatory acne: How to get rid of pimples?
Acne can take different forms depending on severity, age, stage of development or hormonal context. Polymorphic juvenile acne, inflammatory adult acne , cystic acne, hormonal acne, other types, pregnancy acne, etc. This type of acne...
Sun cream and acne: choosing your sun protection wisely
Overexposure to the sun can cause serious damage to the skin, especially in people with acne. UV rays can aggravate pimples on the face, as well as acne scars, because exposure to the sun strips...
Diet and acne: what should you eat for healthy skin?
The link between diet and acne often comes to light when pimples bother you. You then wonder what to eat and what foods to avoid to stop skin inflammation. Discover here the foods to avoid...
Anti-acne diet: the importance of hormonal balance on the plate
The term anti-acne diet is very often heard among people who want to make the unsightly pimples that abound on their face disappear. It is therefore important to understand how food plays a role in...
Peeling to fight acne on black skin
Peeling is a method of aesthetic medicine which aims to find clear and radiant skin by treating all small skin defects. It brings many benefits to all skin types, even black skin.
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