We all know that tobacco has harmful effects on health! But it can also harm the condition and appearance of our skin . This becomes very dry and more or less discolored depending on the level of exposure to cigarette smoke or consumption. Focus on the different impacts of tobacco on the quality of our skin! Cigarette smoke dries the skin It is cigarette smoke that first attacks the skin, on the face and hands, then on all other parts of the body. The hardest thing about smoking is that it not only affects smokers, but also passive smokers . If you stay in a closed room with smokers or talk for a long time with smokers outside, the smoke can get to you. Several studies show that tobacco contains toxic substances that cause discoloration of the skin upon contact with smoke . These include tar responsible for the yellowing that we notice on the teeth, fingertips and face. But the cigarette filter itself is harmful on contact. Over time and exposure, skin becomes dry and dull. Tobacco affects blood circulation The effects of cigarettes go well beyond the external impacts on our skin. The nicotine contained in cigarettes that we ingest has more serious consequences. When you build up nicotine levels in the blood, it causes a vasoconstriction effect. More precisely, the size of the blood vessels decreases and blood circulation becomes more difficult. All organs including the skin are less oxygenated. Which impacts all skin function including cell renewal. With insufficient oxygen, the skin loses its pink color and the complexion becomes dull. Over time, your skin becomes less smooth, less even and less regular and you will suffer from premature skin aging . Indeed, the function of blood is to transport not only oxygen, but also all the nutrients that cells need to renew themselves and function properly. When smoking occasionally the narrowing of blood vessels is also temporary. However, it should be noted that a cigarette can cause a vasoconstriction effect lasting 90 minutes. The same goes for an electronic cigarette if the e-liquid contains nicotine. If you smoke tobacco regularly, skin cells eventually no longer perform their protective role. Your skin will then be less protected from external aggressions such as the sun's rays and pollution as well as free radicals. Added to this is the high level of oxidants present in cigarette smoke . Very quickly you suffer from permanent oxidative stress. Tobacco causes premature skin aging Tobacco consumption destroys the vitamin C naturally present in the skin. However, the latter provides important functions such as stimulating the synthesis of elastin and collagen , regulating the production of melanin and fighting free radicals. Thus, the skin loses its suppleness and firmness and wrinkles quickly set in. You will notice that smokers always have deeper wrinkles and more wrinkled skin. According to the advice of a dermatologist, it is important to use anti-aging treatments from the age of 30 to compensate for this damage.