The Nubian Blog

Our advice and articles to take care of you.

Hormonal acne: causes, symptoms and treatments

Our memories of adolescence are often punctuated by changes for which we were more or less prepared: a growth spurt, bodily changes and… skin problems ! While we all dreamed of this phase where the...

How to remove the pregnancy mask on black skin?

Are you a future mother and afraid of seeing a pregnancy mask appear ? Or, have you already given birth and find that it does not subside over time? Either way, you've come to the...

The different types of acne and how to treat them?

Think again, it's not just teenagers who suffer from acne. These unsightly pimples can take different forms and affect us at any stage of life. There are 4 types of acne: juvenile or hormonal acne,...

5 things to know about lentigo

Generally benign , lentigo remains a source of stress and embarrassment for those affected. These brown spots are linked to skin aging and most often appear on the skin but also on the nails and mucous...

How to treat dark circles under the eyes?

The eye contour is a sensitive area . Attacked daily by the sun, the wind, pollution, or an inappropriate lifestyle, this part of the face is very easily marked by dark circles, puffiness and wrinkles....

Where does hyperpigmentation come from?

Where do his dark spots come from that dull the skin? Uneven skin pigmentation called hyperpigmentation. This skin condition is due to the poor distribution of the skin's coloring pigment: melanin. The concentration of melanin...

The impact of tobacco on the skin

We all know it, the Tobacco has deleterious effects on health! But he can also harm the condition and appearance of our skin . This becomes very dry and more or less discolored depending on the level...

Acne and adolescence: what you need to know

Oily and shiny skin, pimples and dilated pores… your teenager suffers from adolescent acne. This phenomenon may seem trivial for society, but it can quickly become disabling for teenagers. Moreover, 80% of French people aged...

SOS chapped lips: how to take care of them?

Dead skin covers your lips despite the fact that you moisturize them daily with a nourishing balm. These unsightly manifestations take place specifically in winter, but you can also suffer from chapped lips throughout the...
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