Comment enlever le masque de grossesse sur peau noire

How to remove the pregnancy mask on black skin?

Are you a future mother and afraid of seeing a pregnancy mask appear? Or, have you already given birth and find that it does not subside over time? Either way, you've come to the right place. Melasma can become a complex source for those affected. Good news: you can prevent its appearance or mitigate it if it has already taken hold! Without further ado, check out all the things you need to know about how to remove pregnancy mask on black skin .

What does a pregnancy mask look like?

It is manifested by the appearance of pigment spots on the forehead, eyelids and cheekbones. Sometimes it can be accompanied by pimples. In some people, it also manifests itself on the body, especially in the shoulders, armpits and stomach. It affects women with dull, mixed-race and black skin from the 4th month of pregnancy.

Nevertheless, some can be spared (the lucky ones)! Before crying over photos of women who have flawless skin during pregnancy (and who also use filters), we want to reassure you. You can also anticipate the appearance of pregnancy melasma or reduce it (without additional filters) if you follow the advice at the end of the article.

Why does it appear?

This information may surprise you. If you have a very friendly relationship with the sun, we encourage you to beware of its damaging effects on the skin. The latter is not always that friend who wishes you well. Indeed, exposing yourself to the sun's rays without suitable UV protection causes the appearance of a pregnancy mask.

In contact with the sun's rays, the melanocytes are activated and cause the birth of dark spots.

Furthermore, hormones have an influence on the state of the epidermis. During their pregnancy, the body produces more female hormones such as progesterone, estrogen and luteinizing hormone . As a result, their skin becomes more sensitive to the sun, hence the appearance of pigment spots.

It also happens that melasma appears in women who are not pregnant. The cause: the contraceptive pill! Usually this happens when the pill is high in estrogen. In this case, the solution is to change contraception.

On the same theme, we advise you to read the article: Acne of pregnancy on black skin - causes and treatments .

remove pregnancy mask on black skin

How to avoid the pregnancy mask on black, mixed or matte skin?

We suggest that you choose suitable sun protection! The SPF index must be at least 30. To know the sufficient quantity for the whole face, apply it to your index, middle and ring fingers.

We tend to believe that one application is enough. While it is recommended to apply every two hours in case of high exposure.

We advise you to adapt the texture of the sun protection according to the area to be protected. For the face and neck, you can use creams. On the eye contour, nose and lips, it is best to apply sticks. Finally, at the level of the body, we suggest that you turn to body milks.

When you wear makeup, opt for foundations or BB creams with protective factors.

Ideally, avoid exposing yourself when the sun is in full swing. If you have to go out regularly, stay in the shade and wear a hat and sunglasses with category 3 or 4 UV filters.

Can melasma go away?

The majority of women see their pregnancy mask disappear after giving birth. Faced with this news, we see a great sigh of relief!

Nevertheless, in some people, it may happen that it persists, especially in women who take estrogen-progestogen contraceptives. If this is the case, specific treatment must be taken to get rid of melasma. First of all, we recommend that you seek the advice of a dermatologist.

black skin pregnancy mask

How to remove pregnancy mask?

Step into the ring, the power is on your side!

Daily routine

To make dark spots disappear , we suggest that you follow the following routine:

If you have pimples, you can add an anti-blemish treatment for oily skin to your routine.

After pregnancy, dermatologists can offer in addition:

  • Depigmenting treatments carried out in pharmacies on medical prescription;
  • Cryotherapy, a cold treatment intended among other things to improve the quality and radiance of the skin (please note that white scars may appear;
  • The chemical peel.

After these treatments, it is important to reinforce sun protection in order to avoid the reappearance of hyperpigmentation spots . If you still haven't figured it out, sunscreen should be your best friend!

What products should you avoid when pregnant?

To avoid making melasma worse, it's best to avoid harsh products like grain scrubs.

All treatments that treat hyperpigmentation problems must be supervised by a dermatologist. It is absolutely necessary to avoid buying it on the internet and in disreputable shops. The damage can be irreversible and have a negative impact on health.

Products based on corticosteroids or hydroquinone are illegal in France, but there are still traders who offer treatments with these ingredients.

You now know the essential information to know about the pregnancy mask: its origin, the preventive treatments and the appropriate care to mitigate it. Now it's your turn !

Find out more tips on proper care when wearing a pregnancy mask, in the article: Pregnancy mask on my black, dark or mixed skin .

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