Quels sont les bienfaits du zinc sur la peau ?

What are the benefits of zinc on the skin?

The benefits of zinc on the skin are multiple: reduce the different types of acne , heal scars , slow down skin aging , firm the skin , etc. Beyond fighting against skin problems, it contributes to the proper functioning of the immune system . In which foods is it most present? Which cosmetic products are composed of zinc? We reveal everything to you!

What is Zinc?

Zinc is a small nutrient essential for the proper functioning of the body. It boosts immune defences, prevents aging of the epidermis and impacts the quality of nails, hair and skin.

It is present in very small quantities in the body, about 2.5 g. It is stored in the liver, pancreas, eyes, adrenal glands and skin. The recommended daily allowances of zinc are 10 to 12 mg for women and 12 to 14 mg for men.

It is found in food, cosmetics and food supplements.

What are the benefits of zinc on the skin?

Zinc treats many skin problems :

It is also involved in the production of collagen, which contributes to firming and elasticity of the skin .

Our Cleanactyl cleansing gel is formulated with zinc. Its use cleanses and purifies the skin. We recommend this product for people who have combination to oily and acne-prone skin. In a few weeks, the first changes are visible: the skin is less imperfect and more radiant.

What foods are high in zinc?

Food contributes to the beauty of your skin. In order to avoid any form of deficiency, you can promote the following foods:

  • Shellfish (oysters, lobster, mussels)
  • Red meat ;
  • soy;
  • sesame;
  • The egg yolk ;
  • Foie gras ;
  • Wheat germs;
  • Legumes (lentils, split peas);
  • Oily fish (herring, mackerel, sardines, sea trout)
  • Semi-complete cereals, nuts.

👉🏾 To learn more about this, we recommend reading the article: foods good for the skin !

What are the symptoms of zinc deficiency?

Zinc is present in most of our foods. Normally, what we eat should cover our daily needs. However, this is often not the case.

Zinc deficiency manifests itself in different ways:

  • Dry skin ;
  • Acne problems;
  • Skin that takes time to heal;
  • brittle, stained or split nails;
  • Hair loss.

This is the reason why this trace element is available in the form of a dietary supplement.

Vegetarians are more exposed to deficiencies, because zinc of animal origin is better absorbed than that which comes from plants.

In addition, the consumption of tea, coffee, alcohol and tobacco depletes the reserves of zinc.

When should you take zinc?

Zinc can be taken as soon as you notice symptoms of zinc deficiency: acne, dryness, loss of firmness, etc. As a preventive measure, you can start taking it before winter for one to two months to boost the immune system .

Pregnant women can take a zinc cure during their pregnancy because their needs increase. In addition, it contributes to the development and growth of the fetus. However, we strongly recommend that you seek advice from your doctor or gynecologist before taking it.

It is advisable to take it on an empty stomach, as its absorption is higher than when you take it with a meal.

How long does a zinc cure last?

The recommended duration depends on various factors. You have the possibility of knowing the level of zinc present in your body by carrying out a blood test. The lower the presence of zinc, the longer the cure can last.

It also depends on your profile and your objectives. For a person who wants to reduce acne pimples, it is advisable to take a two-month cure.

Consuming it over a long period can lead to a decrease in immunity.

What are the side effects and contraindications of zinc?

Taking too much zinc can lead to a weakened immune system, nausea, headaches and severe fatigue.

They should be consumed 2 hours before or after antibiotics of the cyclin and fluoroquinolone families, treatments for osteoporosis and acidity of the stomach.

In addition, a zinc cure is not compatible with the following treatments:

  • Oral contraceptives;
  • Chelating agents;
  • vasodilators;
  • Anticonvulsants;
  • Replacement hormone therapies;
  • Diuretics of the thiazide class.

Before buying dietary supplements, we recommend that you seek advice from a health professional.

Where can I get zinc supplements?

Food supplements are sold on sites specializing in well-being, beauty and nutrition such as Dieti natura. You can also find it in pharmacies.

👉🏾 In the same theme, we suggest you read the article: top 4 cosmetic active ingredients to fight acne .

Zinc is a trace element that contributes to the beauty of our skin. However, it should not be consumed in excessive amounts. If you have no deficiencies and you are in good health, you do not need to take dietary supplements.

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