The eye contour is a sensitive area . Attacked daily by the sun, the wind, pollution, or even an inappropriate lifestyle, this part of the face is very easily marked by dark circles , puffiness and wrinkles . In Nubian skin, there are also dark circles under the eyes . How to get rid of it? Find out all in this article! How to recognize dark circles? There are indeed different types of dark circles, but those that most often affect black and mixed skin are brown or black dark circles called dark circles . This skin discoloration mainly affects the lower and/or upper eyelid. In some cases, it can extend to the temporal and malar parts of the face. Benign in character, dark circles do not remain unsightly. Indeed, they dull the look. In black skin, this phenomenon is caused by an overproduction of melanin around the eyes . But what can accentuate this hyperpigmentation on the eye contour? What are the causes of dark circles under the eyes? Just like pigment spots on other parts of the body, dark circles result from excessive production of melanin pigments. They can be the cause of: Genetics : often we notice that dark circles affect several members of the same family. They usually appear around puberty or adulthood between 16 and 25 years old. We then speak of constitutional rings; Stress : Stress is the number one enemy of our health, including that of the skin. When we go through a period of stress, our body secretes more cortisol, a hormone that allows the body to resist stress. In the event of prolonged stress, the adrenal gland becomes exhausted and can no longer produce more cortisol. This causes a hormonal imbalance because to increase the production of cortisol, other hormones will activate, including ACTH, then alpha-MSH at the origin of melanin secretion and therefore the appearance of dark circles ; Pregnancy and contraception : this is the same phenomenon as the mask of pregnancy or melasma which appears when the production of sex steroid hormones such as estrogen increases; Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation : The skin around the eye is very thin and fragile. Thus, in the event of dermatosis, it reacts excessively and healing becomes more difficult, leaving dark spots or dark circles: Sun exposure : remember that black skin is more sensitive to the effects of the sun's rays. As the eye contour is more sensitive, it then undergoes the most degradation with the appearance of dark circles. How to fight dark circles under the eyes? First of all, it is important to adopt the right routine because you have to use a specific product for this part of the face. At Nubiance, we have developed cleansing products suitable for the entire face, such as our Micelliance micellar water to remove make-up and our cleansing gel for gentle but deep cleansing to be used morning and evening. This sensitive area then needs high protection. Our EYE RE-7 multi-corrector eye contour not only protects this area of the face. It's also : A dark circle eraser that helps correct hyperpigmentation spots; A filler for dark circles ; A decongestant product for pockets . EYE RE-7 also moisturizes and smoothes the eye contour for a luminous look. Finally, do not forget to adopt a healthy lifestyle such as a balanced diet and a regular sleep cycle.